Friday 25 December 2020

Tired and happy.

It's just turned Boxing Day.

I'm sat on the sofa having just finished watching Little Women and the surprising thing is, I'm content. This is a rare state.

We did pressies, ate, watched tv, everyone was happy. Even me. 

I didn't get the charm I wanted but I got my pendant and 2 other lovely charms off my wish list. They just weren't suitable for my pendant.
He tries, he just doesn't remember or remembers the thing I said I hated which means I get a lot of gifts I really didn't want, although that's not a new thing. 
My engagement ring was identical to my previous one and that was 23 years ago.

I need to learn to have zero expectations. Especially at the moment, Pete has such a hard time with everything. 
It can be really hard and soul destroying. I can feel so unloved and invisible which my sensible head knows isn't true but my insecure inner child doesn't.

Anyway. Christmas Day was a good day with us having normal family time.

Normal! Ordinary! Such a rare and happy thing.